Our school SAIRAM VIDYALAYA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL conducted an Exhibition on 02.11.19(Saturday) titled “SAI PROJECT EXPO”Comprising of all the subjects. Equal Importance was given to each subject from PKG to XII. There were around 300 and above displays and exhibits.
Science department had projects displays and models related to sustainable energy, obstacle avoiding robot, laser detecting sensor, Heart attack – cause, symptoms and prevention, Maths- Pythagoras Model, congruency of triangles, Pascal triangle. English department – models and exhibits comprised of grammar and language games for different levels from Shakespearean period to the modern period, the exhibition conveyed a lot of information on values, progress in technology and so on. Tamil dept formed on topics-heritage and a modern game, fine art, medicinal herbs, apart from literary work and writers, Hindi dept exhibit formed on nature, health cleanliness and about Indian’s freedom struggle. The languages had no barrier, creed, caste or religion. The messages were conveyed in an impressive and effective manner by our students which did touch the hearts of our viewers. PET department focused on games whereas Art dept.displayed a variety of models based on “Best out of waste. SST department – Rain water harvesting, ultra sonic radar. In computer XI and XII std students did PPT presentation in e-Commerce. Students’ presentation was extraordinarily creative, informative and enthusiastic.All the Parents were spell- bound and appreciated the students, for their explanation and presentation.
On the whole the show wore a grand look.
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